3 063 2

Elaine Lyness

Free Account, belfast

Commentaire 2

  • Hector Romero 26/04/2005 0:22

    Hi Elaine! and greetings from L.A.
    I just read your profile and I think that when it comes to you and I, YOU are more of an inspiration to ME, than I to you! You have a fantastic perspective, making your compositions very artistic. Good shot here! I love it.
    I won't sell myself short however, I will look to give opinionated comment in perhaps one of your other shots! :-)
    ......even those who excell are looking to learn! I hope you agree.
  • Raef Amir Hanna 24/04/2005 1:26

    I cant say more than .....You are a Great artist and God bless u :)