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Made of the same Stuff as Dreams

Made of the same Stuff as Dreams

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Made of the same Stuff as Dreams

Models: Phuong (IG: @conigliettorosa / @ongnphuong, Fb: @ongnphuong) and Kayla Nimphea (IG: @amaromiele_nature / @amaro_miele, Fb: @Kayla.Nimphea.Model)
Characters: Titania and Nimue
Location: Località Corbane - Bosco Chiesanuova (Vr)
Event: Drama Photography Art in Lessinia (2th Day)
Project: William Shakespeare Legacy
Photographer and Digiarter: Maurizio Moroni

- Noi siamo fatti della stessa sostanza dei sogni, e nello spazio e nel tempo d'un sogno è raccolta la nostra breve vita / We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep (William Shakespeare)
- Ci sono più cose in cielo e in terra, Orazio, di quante ne sogni la tua filosofia / There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy (William Shakespeare)
- Presta a tutti il tuo orecchio, a pochi la tua voce / Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice (William Shakespeare) (Scarborough Fair - Celtic Woman) (The Voice - Celtic Woman) (Mná na hÉireann - Celtic Woman)

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