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meet Virginia up close

meet Virginia up close

1 286 3


Premium (World), New Jersey

meet Virginia up close

Just like I did today - She caught my eye right away as I came up the street, you just couldn't miss that pink fluffy robe.
There she was sitting on the front porch of her home in her fluffy pink morning coat at 2:30 pm in the afternoon perfectly comfortable.
She smiled as I got closer, so I had to stop and say hello, and so it went.....
you know I am 90 now she said.....and living in this house for the last 55 years, and my son lives right across the street......eventually I asked her if I could take her picture.....she said "off course"....and her hand went quickly up to check her hair.....I told her it looks just fine.

Meet Virginia
Meet Virginia

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Dossier People
Vu de 1 286


APN Canon EOS 7D
Objectif ---
Ouverture 4
Temps de pose 1/100
Focale 73.0 mm
ISO 160