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Mother Mary All is Good

Mother Mary All is Good

14 878 7

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Mother Mary All is Good

An elder, sits on an deserted street corner in the shade. No one to disturber her. Looking from one direction to the next, she has no good for sale. She is just resting. Her hands folded expressing time to spare. She is like Mary, but with life purpose past. Her eyes about worn out from time's encountered pains and joys. She is the tail end of the indigenous woman giving way to tights, and western clothes for her grand daughters to wear and be more like the tourist that come in outdoor fashion design and MTV night life things to wear. Yes the tourist that want to come and not try to engage with the people of the land .Maybe if they heard their story it would erase a heartless western society that bares no heart but an image on Facebook.

I had come from the store with supplies for finds untracked areas at 16100 plus feet I shared my supplies. Gator Aide , a can bar, and a big of chips. She thanked me and I thanked her and was on my way.

Commentaire 7

  • LadyNoone 10/02/2015 20:54

    Your eyes and heart are wide open on humans.
  • Dagi.H. 08/02/2015 13:24

    An impressive photo! And an interesting information!

    This experience, which you describe here, I have made in Turkey.
    While I was with a tour company on the road, but I also had an eye for the misery behind the tourist facade, unemployment, poverty among the rural population off the beaten track.
    You can not talk about because they do not want to see only talk to his fellow travelers.
    Who takes something to note is stopped to change anything. That is not to change people / her environment for our European scale, but to activate their knowledge and skills to help themselves.

    A nice Sunday, Dagi
  • Dominique BEAUMONT 04/02/2015 8:44

    Elle a tout vécue, les joies, les peines (surtout les peines) ... il ne rien lui arriver. Un homme perdu avec son appareil photo c'est un peu un rayon de soleil... échanger des mots avec lui ça fait du bien au coeur, à la vie: encore!
    Bravo Glenn pour tous ces moments incroyables que tu vies.
    Toute mon amitié.
  • Adele D. Oliver 03/02/2015 22:02

    a very moving image and story, Glenn .... and
    a technically excellent capture - of course !!
    greetings, Adele
  • JOKIST 03/02/2015 20:35

    Dein Bild ist
    .*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.•´ (¸.•*´¯`*•

    LG Ingrid und Hans
  • Christos Banos 03/02/2015 19:16

    Very good street pic!
  • Inez Correia Marques 03/02/2015 16:26

    you did well .. she is used to meditate. waith in silence for the word
    because man shall not live by bread alone
    she can find herself in another dimention where she knows all provision comes from there
    I think she is just at peace with the Creator


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