Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

My Istanbul Impressions

The Hagia Sophia Mosque

through the glass door to the balcony of our little hotel.

Hagia Sophia (from the Greek: "Holy Wisdom"; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia; Turkish: Ayasofya) is a former Greek Orthodox patriarchal basilica (church), later an imperial mosque, and now a museum (Ayasofya Müzesi) in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople,[1] except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.[2]

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Dossier Turkey
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APN Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objectif Unknown 6-72mm
Ouverture 4
Temps de pose 1/320
Focale 14.5 mm
ISO 80

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