National Fish and Chip Day
Knapp verpasst . . .Hence, why National Fish and Chip Day is celebrated on the first Friday of June! This year, however, it is extra special - as it would be unfair to overshadow The Queen on her momentous Platinum Jubilee, National Fish and Chip Day is being celebrated a week early on 27th May.
T. Schiffers 06/09/2022 22:00
lägga...und dazu s passende kaltgetränk...!;.) tinoMarkus 4 27/06/2022 17:59
Das Gemüse muß aber nicht seinHabedieehre
Joachim Irelandeddie 26/06/2022 21:50
Ein Gericht das ich immer gerne esse, sieht so lecker ausLG eddie 26/06/2022 21:10
Lecker. :-)Ralf