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Joerg Fischoetter

Premium (Pro), Renningen


Auf diesem Foto leider nicht gut erkennbar füllen die künstlerisch hochwertigen Reliefs die komplette sichtbare Wand! Und diese ist nur eine von vielen im Tempelbereich!

Wie der Text der Infotafel verrät, wurde diese Galerie erst 400 Jahre nach dem Bau Angkor Wat´s erstellt.

Originaltext der lokalen Infotafel:
The reliefs on this northeastern corner (northern section of the eastern gallery and eastern section of the northern gallery) were sculpted in the 16th century, some four hundred years after the original construction of Angkor Vat and the sculpture of most of the temple´s gallery walls. These reliefs clearly demonstrate that, though Cambodia had by then become a Theravadin Buddhist nation, the Khmer of that time had not yet forgotten their past Brahmanic culture. The scenes on the northern section of the eastern gallery, thought to have been extracted from the Indian Harivamsha, show the God vishnu, in the center, singularly defeating the Demons.


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