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Novrus Feier!
Celebration of Novruz during spring. Novruz means: Nova = new, ruz = day. The celebration takes the whole March and extends a little bit in April.

Commentaire 4

  • Kenny Jazz 16/03/2007 23:47

    Annar, you forgot to add that such kind of Nouruz khoncha you can find in every home or sometimes in public places like in museums now.. I was yesterday in museum. There was a very nice ceremony with something like this Khoncha on table and musicians of classic music.
    Thank you for this !!!
    Composition a little bit tight. Next time try to leave a little bit more spacefrom each side.
    Novruz bayramin mubarek olsun !!!! :)))
  • Lothar Bendig 16/03/2007 18:00

    A plate of things to eat (nuts etc. as far as I can detect) with many colours. What are the grasses in he middle? Lentil plants?
    Best regards

  • Arnd U. B. 16/03/2007 11:10

    Was ist das da alles auf der Platte, Wolfgang? Ich glaube Walnüsse zu erkennen, aber dann hört es auf.
    Hat die Zahl der Kerzen auch eine Bedeutung? LG Arnd
  • Dagmar Illing 15/03/2007 19:26

    Sehr interessantes Bild! Da hat man aber zu knabbern.
    LG, Dagmar