8 049 14

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City


In the tents at night the Sadhu's became themselves. Their court surrounding them, well that's if they had any power, and a large following to give blessings.

They want money you know. He wanted money, and I just don't give out cash. However this person was confronted for money. They only had a 50. So the money was put down and they took change right off his holy alter.

It was about this time I felt like running, but I was laughing so hard I just didn't give a (*^$)($).

You see these guys are not the people, they are the illusion, apart of why the humble come to as for forgiveness be cause the little people believe, while these guys take their money . To stay on top of the poverty line you must make on half a euro a day. What we forget is that half a euro comes from a full day of extreme hard labor if lucky. Feed you family, pay the rent , save up for a train or us ride to go hundred's of miles, and then be beaten by the police and give up your life when things go wrong.

SO to see these guy prance naked with pain on their bodies is nothing holy. It's just Disney land for the camera's. In that case I looked for humanity which tries to stay alive from day to day.

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