21 608 55 Galerie

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City


In Latin his actions at the town of candles is called ORARE, meaning praise and opening to God. The beginning of , God hear my prayers.

"God hear my prayers , for I have come so far in life over the Andes and down into the valleys day after day with burdens on my back not to heavy to carry". As I shot frame to frame I saw a thing we call hope life him. When he turned his step looked lighter. I felt the same and paused and reflected on all the burdens we discover in our own passage of life. "Orare" Tengo un largo camino. The day tuned to night, and I too began my long walk back down the steep city foot hill one step another. By morning maybe somethings will be resolved, an my load a little lighter.

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Dossier Peru
Vu de 21 608


Galerie (Personnes)
10/06/2015 90 Pro / 10 Contra

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