Participants at the Pagawesi ceremony
Husband Ngurah and son Wira beside the father at the right side. The relatives of Gek Suzan.
All are joining the personal Pagawesi ceremony in the small village Sembung on Bali island.
Allmost all Balinese and Ngurah as well wearing the Tridatu on everybodies wrist.
Tridatu as a symbol to keep remind people that life is not just one color, but many colors. There is birth, life, and death and using tridatu reminds us above all that. Wear the sacred yarn will be able to give sanctity and protection from all iniquity and dissipate bad spirits. This bracelet is purified by holy water and make this bracelet is sacred.
Vitória Castelo Santos 18/05/2019 16:16
I like it!