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Enne See

Free Account, Thessaloniki

Commentaire 5

  • Kaith Kakavouli 23/09/2010 11:03

  • Berthold Klammer 20/09/2010 21:11

    Wonderful image you have discovered! Full of secrets in all kinds. In the first sense it seems to be very simple - but then the imagination never stops......regards Berthold
  • Verena 18/09/2010 23:43

    yeah, there are lots of little faces to see, interesting rock in a very special colour.
  • s. sabine krause 18/09/2010 9:56

    a great shot to illustrate how the human brain works and interprets! when i looked at the thumbnail, the first thought that passed my synapses was: "liverwurst" ; ))! i then, of course, noticed the strikingly beautiful rock formations and started to look for the "pink stone face" right away, which i'm not sure i've found – i do see a face in the upper region of the shot, a sad one, with bangs, huge nostrils, one eye swollen shut and the other one squinting… ; )) – but i guess, everyone sees different things in it! on my search for the mysterious face, for example, i came a aross a barking dog, a lady lying face-down in the mud, countless snails and lizards and other critters… – – the stuff that stories and nightmares are made of… greetings, sabine. p.s. lovely light on the furrows and creases of the rock!
  • vjdj 18/09/2010 9:23

    Nice one! Greetings, vj