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Politflimmer aktualisiert

Politflimmer aktualisiert

1 351 4

Commentaire 4

  • Albrecht Klöckner 24/10/2010 23:59

    Thx Serge for your suggestion, sounds really interesting!
    I gave it a try but didn´t succeed in the first run - how about you trying and showing?
    PS: The black-and-yellow is supposed to be a cryptic hint at our present German obviously somewhat confused government
  • Serge Côté 24/10/2010 19:51

    @ Albrecht: I think it could be an idea to put the T bar at left in yellow colour and the right T bar in green colour to match them exactly so the blue colour of the background hide the T bar completely when we cross our eyes to look at the picture. Like a magic trick :-)

    You should try it !

  • Albrecht Klöckner 24/10/2010 16:34

    Von mir aus heisst es eher PolitikERverdrossenheit - Pharma- und Atom-Manager gleich noch dazu!
    LG Albrecht
  • In2itiv Pictures 24/10/2010 12:03

    Für mich gehören alle Spitzenpolitiker
    innen Sack gesteckt und in der Gasse
    verhauen ;)
    Ich glaube das nennt man
    Politikverdroschenheit :)

    LG Kai