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Ramana – two renditions/ II / Bremen

Ramana – two renditions/ II / Bremen

16 601 91 Galerie

Carsten Ke.

Free Account, Raum Frankfurt (Richtung Taunus)

Ramana – two renditions/ II / Bremen

Jetzt wo dieses foto im votingprozess steht noch eine anmerkung: es hat diesen niedlichkeitsfaktor und gleichzeitig, so hoffe ich, bricht die umgebung einiges von einem rein niedlichem foto auf. Meine bitte ist die bilder von Ramana auch im gesammten zusammenhang der anderen fotos von ihr zu sehen.


>text in english as the Ramana and her mother are British/ discussion in any language but I will only understand german or english

In some ways these two pictures pretty much sum up my work up to that point. I started out to work exclusively in BW and with available light. I changed over time. The flash as support was welcome and to portrait with colour was introduced. So it's not about which picture is better than the other. They both are about the same child and two moments of her life. The locations are quite far from eachother, one in Birkenhead (near Liverpool) and the other in my hometown Bremen.

In this particular instance it should be stressed: the negatives were scanned with a Fuji machine (laser….) and I only had to adjust the brightness. No other influence was taken on the level of PS.
24 mm, Fuji colour negative, print as usual: Foto-Fix team BS with Fuji Crystal Archive Paper Supreme

Ramana – two renditions/ I / Birkenhead/UK
Ramana – two renditions/ I / Birkenhead/UK
Carsten Ke.

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Dossier portraits
Vu de 16 601


Galerie (Personnes)
11/04/2005 148 Pro / 146 Contra

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