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Remembering Charlie Hebdo: And I'd be a monster?

Remembering Charlie Hebdo: And I'd be a monster?

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Remembering Charlie Hebdo: And I'd be a monster?

Je suis Charlie! Contre tous les fanatismes et les extrémismes!

Model: Maria Grazia - Photographer and Post Producer: Maurizio Moroni

The image include parts of property of different authors. The copyright of every single part belongs to the respective author. (La Marseillaise - Edith Piaf)

Il sonno della ragione genera mostri / Le sommeil de la raison engendre des monstres - Francisco Goya (suggerito da isabella bertoldo )
Il fanatismo è sempre al servizio del falso, ma anche al servizio del vero sarebbe detestabile / Le fanatisme est toujours au service du faux. Même au service du vrai, il serait haïssable - Jean Rostand

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