2 607 31

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Rhododendron Praecox

Rhododendron is an extensive genus of over 1000 species of woody shrubs with great showy flowers and is also extensively hybridized in cultivation (more then 28.000 cultivars exist).
The species occurs in moist areas all over the world with the exception of South America and Africa where Rhododendron is not native.

Praecox is one of the earliest blooming species in the Rhododendron family with flowers budding usually at the end of march (but this year already in february !)
The flowers are unfortunately sensitive to frost

Dutch name : Rhododendron Praecox
German name : Vorfrühlingsalpenrose Praecox
Latin name : Rhododendron praecox

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