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R.I.P. Flea

Meet Flea, the threelegged brown tabby.
This was the most resourceful, vibrant and funny cat I've ever had the honour of serving.

Sadly we have had to have him put to sleep because of a malign growth on one of his back paws.

We are truly greatful for the ten years he's been with us.

This picture was taken about two weeks before his death and is true to his character and spirit. I've edited this picture to be printed on a canvas and it's now hanging in our livingroom. A wonderful memento.
Love you and miss you Flea.....

Commentaire 1

  • Ellen Kobold 08/02/2010 10:50

    es ist immer schlimm wenn einem ein lieber und treuer Wegbegleiter verlässt/oder verlassen muss.
    Es ist dabei egal ob er zwei oder vier Beine hat.

    Das Foto ist spitze, da muss ich noch was üben bis ich annähernd so gute Fotos mache.

    LG Ellen