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David Read

Free Account, Montreal

Rock Face

A section of exposed bedrock in parc Mont Royal in Montreal, Quebec. The image was turned 90 degrees for visual effect.

Commentaire 1

  • Neil Auty 24/07/2005 11:17

    Hi David

    I have looked at this image before when browsing, and took it away to look at this time. Something didn't quite gel for me with this pic rotated as the trees over on the top left draw the eye and tellyou this is wrong. (Isn't human perception of nature a wonderful thing?)

    I did some offline fiddling and would offer up the following comments:
    Crop out the trees, it works better.
    Sharpen the image, it may compensate a little for the loss of focus in the image.
    If you have access to the place, try for a longer exposure shot, smaller aperture and hence more depth of focus.( I know this is all impossible with a compact cam, I have similar problems, the idea isn't quite the way the cam works.)

    This is just my own critique, I also have my own photographic demons to exorcise.


    Neil A