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Holger Findling

Free Account, Florida

Rockefeller Center

Thomas Houseago’s commission Masks (Pentagon) was on view on the plaza April 28 – June 24, 2015.

"Designed specifically for Rockefeller Plaza, Masks (Pentagon) consists of five masks ranging in height from 14.5 to 16.5 feet, each of which reflects a different approach to the stylized representation of the human face, from the clearly recognizable to the highly abstracted. As each colossal face looked out towards the surrounding cityscape, the spaces between them became “doorways” that gave access to an interior “room”. From inside, the mask’s eyes created windows that framed views of the landscape and skyscrapers of Midtown Manhattan."

Commentaire 3

  • s. sabine krause 09/12/2015 11:01

    like a three-dimensional modern variation of the vanitas theme… monumental skulls installed right among us… reminders of the hollow inevitability of our own mortality… and yet, the public couldn't care less – bus(i)ness as usual! –, as the square teeming with life impressively proves! and good for them – us, humanity! – to celebrate what we are best at: making life go on! very interesting indeed, holger! ; )) greetings, sabine.
  • Mannus Mann 15/10/2015 15:36

    Ein sehr schönes Foto von dem Monument.
    Dir wünsche ich einen bunten und frohen Herbst, Mannus.
  • Inez Correia Marques 06/10/2015 22:21

    strange looking Masks ..surreal
    Very interesting in the centre of that Plaza