Rompong in Kepulauan Derawan
During a day trip to a diving trip to the island Pulau Kakaban we passed several so-called Rompongs, like these. Although rompong fishing in Kepulauan Derawan is a new fishing technique, this method in Indonesia has a long history. The fisherman lives in the small house, which is more like a hut hut. Once a week, a supply ship comes, brings new supplies and takes with the catch, which has caught the fisherman in the created pots. The other day a rompong had ripped off the rack and drifted into the open sea with the fisherman for 49 days, until he was saved exhausted but uninjured.
David H Thomas 12/10/2019 13:56
great composition and fascinating subjectanne gattlen 09/10/2019 19:16
Very Interesting.Thanks
Christian Villain 09/10/2019 18:48
Cette petite maison peut elle résister aux tempètes .Excellente photo !!!!!!!
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