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Running with shadows

Canadian Football game in the eastern townships of the province of Québec, Canada as the sun is getting ready to set.

Commentaire 4

  • Amsterdam Vallon 24/05/2013 17:58

    so dynamic!! love it.
  • DAZ54 24/05/2013 6:08

    Thank you to fotocommunity for displaying my photo on the start page of the website on May 24th. This is a great honor.
  • DAZ54 22/05/2013 23:14

    Sabine, Don't be harsh on yourself. Side judge or sideline referee is correct. Thank your for your comment. Take care
  • s. sabine krause 20/05/2013 15:00

    love the perspectivity of this shot, and how the side judge – or whatever the correct term is, i'm a total idiot, if it comes to football ; ) –, appears to be running his own private 100 m dash, while everyone else is running after the ball. does no. 5 know, i wonder, that in his shadow he's gracefully dancing with his opponent rather than tackling him? ; ) the light of course is responsible for it, as it's the secret star of the image! kind regards, sabine.

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