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Sasol Chemie - Moers IV

Sasol Chemie - Moers IV

3 128 25

Michael O. L.

Free Account, dem oberbergischen

Sasol Chemie - Moers IV

Sasol Chemie - Moers III
Sasol Chemie - Moers III
Michael O. L.

Infos zum Werk:
(Quelle: - Ich war nun gerade mal zufaul um ins Deutsche zu Überstzen ;)) )

The Moers production facility is located on the Lower Rhine and is a major European manufacturer of the oxygenated solvents isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and secondary butyl alcohol (SBA) which is upgraded on site into methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). The plant also produces plasticisers, synthetic resins and fine chemicals such as alkylchlorides and aluminium organic compounds.

The Condea-Huntsman joint venture is located on this site and produces maleic anhydride.

Some 50 percent of the Moers output is exported to countries in the European Union and overseas destinations. Moers has Its own port facilities on the river Rhine which connect the site to an extensive inland waterways system and, through the port of Rotterdam, to international shipping routes.

The workforce is approximately 500.

For products manufactured on-site, please click on the manufactured products panel on the right.

manufactured products:

c3 alcohols
glycol ethers
high purity ethanol
alkyl chlorides
c4 alcohols
glycol ether acetates
aluminium organic compounds
heavy alcohols
hydrocarbon blends
sodium hydrogen diacetate
lacquer thinners
mixed c2 alcohol blends

Nikon D70
2004/06/15 00:54:55.9
RAW (12-Bit ) Verlustfrei
Bildgröße: Groß (3008x2000)
Objektiv: 28-300mm 1/3.5-5.6 D
Brennweite: 86mm
Belichtungssteuerung: Manuell
Belichtungsmessung: Spotmessung
10 Sekunden - Blende 1/7.1
Belichtungskorrektur: 0 LW
Empfindlichkeit: ISO 200
Optimierung: Benutzerdef.
Weißabgleich: Automatik
AF Modus: Manuell
Blitzsynchronisation: Nicht Beigefügt
Farbmodus: Modus Ia (sRGB)
Tonwertkorr.: Normal
Farbtonkorr.: 0°
Farbsättigung: Normal
Scharfzeichnung: Normal
Rauschunterdrückung: Aus

zusätzlich ein Aufnahme mit 3sec

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