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Schottlands niedlichste Distillery

Schottlands niedlichste Distillery

4 044 37

† Ralf Scholze

Premium (World), Meerbusch

Schottlands niedlichste Distillery

The smallest distillery in Scotland. Edradour is the last original "farm" distillery with some very traditional equipment. It likes to trace its history back to the beginning of legal whisky production in the Highlands, in 1825, though the present distillery is believed to have been founded in 1837. The distillery is at the hamlet of Balnauld, above the town of Pitlochry. This small, remote distillery is reputed to have done a busy trade with American customers during Prohibition. A story that it was later indirectly owned for a lengthy period by the Mafia has not been substantiated. It produces as much malt whisky in a year as some distilleries can make in a week and has a staff of three. Its water rises on Moulin Moor through peat and granite, reaching the surface a few hundred yards from the distillery. The company says it uses [lightly peated] local barley. Its stills are the smallest in Scotland, and that must contribute to the distinctive richness of the malt. Stills any smaller than those at Edradour would not be permitted by Customs and Excise for fear that they could be operated in a secret hiding place.

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