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Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 45

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 45

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Premium (Complete), Bardowick

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 45

In this lesson: “FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE” = Zum Gebrauch drinnen und draußen” and “WEATHERPROOF” = “wetterfest”

It is good that the Saint Bernard (1) is weatherproof. So he can help the master (2) in all kinds of weather (3). Most important is the rum in the small barrel (4). But the master must be careful that drinking does not end in a bottomless pit (5).

On the other hand Saint Bernards are considered (6) as a dog breed (7) with very good sense of direction (8). So they can lead (9) the drunken master from outdoors into the house and indoors into the bedroom :-)

(1) Bernhardiner
(2) Herrchen
(3) in jeder Wetterlage
(4) kleines Faß
(5) Faß ohne Boden
(6) gelten
(7) Hunderasse
(8) Orientierungssinn
(9) führen

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