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Suryo Wibowo

Free Account, Yogyakarta

[ sholat ]

betende muslimische frauen am strand von parangtritis, yogyakarta, indonesien...

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Suryo Wibowo

Commentaire 33

  • Viki Hae 12/08/2006 14:35

    auch das hier wieder.
    eine szene die ich so nicht kenne.
    gut zu sehen.
  • Anh 09/08/2006 18:01

    D R

    you have a point in saysing that fake is bad.

    But if you put Porsche-parts on a Beetle, not for it to look Porsche, but simply because you like the look, I fail to see the faking.

    Sorry for adding this so late, I just came across the discussion.
  • D R 16/05/2006 5:43

    I was confused with another here (Neguan?) that also uses these fake Hasselblad digi-frames for some of his foto's, he had used Stefan's, copying it digitally. You can see my support of your work on another one of your foto's... I have no agenda to "defame" you. I looked for that thread and realized it... I apologize for the confusion.

    Aside from that slip... ; )

    Everything that I said, with the exclusion of the Rohner-frame-theft still stands unaffected.... fake, fake, and more fake for anyone, not just Suryo, doing this. It is just stupid. It truely is like using a "gold plated digital frame" or some "hip hop gangster chain frame".

    Margit, I think it is pretty clear that you will not understand the concept here. We can keep trying to get you to understand if you would like, I am willing to try... I can think of 50 more illustrations, at least one of them could potentially "click" for you if you don't let pride get in the way....

    If not now, someday you will know this....

    maybe. ; )))

  • Suryo Wibowo 15/05/2006 23:43

    well, i dream about having a hasselblad too hehehehe :)
    but it just i think that everybody should make the best out of the possibilities he/she has... some have more possibilities, others have less
    if i could, i want to make picture as perfect as i want them to be...as perfect as in my own idealism...but i couldnt...so i have to go other ways to make it seem real...
  • Suryo Wibowo 15/05/2006 23:14

    the frame is digital made or not real border made in darkroom. of course, because the picture was originating from 35mm film and i made the picture with eos 50 and a borrowed 17-40mm lens...i scanned it, cropped it in photoshop. i transform the shape...did the curve, changed a little bit of the color balance...
    and actually, i dont have any thoughts to print this work as big as you want... i could not scan it to a resolution needed for that size you wanted too...

    my goal is not to satisfy people in this community...my goal is to satisfy my self with my works...to express my self...and i'm satisfied with my works. i dont care if people are satisfied or not...

    not everybody can be as good as the others...not everybody can afford ideals and principals equally...
  • Suryo Wibowo 15/05/2006 21:47

    @DR:have i changed the content of this picture, with digital frames? giving a man's face a beard or a pony to a baby's face means changing the content..
    was it stefan r's the first one who uses such frames on his pictures?the photography is already 100 years old...

    @SR:my works arent fake...i think its just like what margit has said above "it's obviously not a problem to put a picture in a frame that you bought at a store.. even if that frame is not original-handmade... what's the difference to a photoshop frame? "

    if you want to name the frame as fake, just go ahead...but please dont say my photos as fake...i made those photos my self.
  • Margit Haider 15/05/2006 21:27

    DR, what you did here is public defamation.. maybe you should better use your courage to apologize now..
  • Suryo Wibowo 15/05/2006 21:15

    @D R:hmmm...have i make my work as fake because i'm using photoshop border?
    and ...
    i don't use stefan R's frame...
    it's right that i make some frames in photoshop, and i learn how to make my photoshop frames from a friend who is a digital imaging artist. but i dont steal anybodys license...i can make a frame in darkroom too...i can use photoshop too...that's why i don't need to be a thief...and even i can't make it in darkroom or even if i cant use photoshop, i wont be a thief...
    sorry...i'm not a thief...
  • D R 15/05/2006 1:51

    Ask him directly then come back and tell me the answer. I think that there was a whole discussion about it under one of his photos. ; }

    Just ask him to confirm.


    I have courage to do anything...

    ; )
  • Margit Haider 15/05/2006 1:04

    one last thing:

    "Suryo before used Stefan's Rs's actual analog frame, copied it digitally.... this says enough about his style right there. "

    where do you get the courage from, to insinuate such things? i think this greatly disqualifies you...
  • D R 15/05/2006 0:51

    What part of your questioning did I fail to answer?

    I answered and gave clear reasons for the stupidity of the fake analog framing... it is no less stupid then using any of the "ridiculous looking things" I mentioned above...

    All are equally fake, all look stupid.

    Suryo before used Stefan's Rs's actual analog frame, copied it digitally.... this says enough about his style right there.

    That is the ultimate embarassment and humiliating in my view... ; )
  • Margit Haider 15/05/2006 0:42

    still no answer to any of my questions.. i guess i'm gonna give up..

    as far as i remember you didn't even realize last time, that the frame was fake.. (even though suryo already pointed that out in the descripton of the picture..) so why are you comparing it to ridiculous looking things?

    if it's sooo easy for you to see this, why can't you give a direct answer to any of my questions?
    the words only slip by, because they don't refer to my questions..

    but oh well, there's obviously no point in trying to seriously discuss this with you... i'm finished here...
  • D R 15/05/2006 0:37

    I already told you, 10 different ways Margit, but all of them miss.... and the words slip right by your face, sliding past your brain, and on up into the thread above us. ; )

    It is not ok, to me, because of this...

    I would not use a "fake wood" photoshop frame...

    I would not use a "fake marble" photoshop frame...

    I would not use a "fake gold plated" photoshop frame...

    I would not use a "fake liquid silver" photoshop frame...

    I would not use a "fake Rembrandt" photoshop frame...

    All look ridiculous, and all are fake.... not real, but phony illusions and come across looking "cheesy" and "artificial" probably simply because they are imitations and fake.

    Is this better for you? Why is this so hard for you to understand the concept, seriously? To me it is soooo easy to see this.... I have to believe that you are capable of grasping this.
  • Margit Haider 15/05/2006 0:12

    how come you just don't answer any questions??
    maybe that would help me to understand... :-p
    and of course it's "ok to begin with", until you can prove the opposite! (just like in court, where everybody is innocent until their guilt is proven.. ;))
    just give me ONE good reason, why it's not ok?
    it's obviously not a problem to put a picture in a frame that you bought at a store.. even if that frame is not original-handmade... what's the difference to a photoshop frame?
  • D R 15/05/2006 0:07

    There is no way to allow you to understand if you cannot see this at this point.

    Also, if you think it is ok to begin with, there is no way to get you to "see."

    It is like trying to convince the pope not to be Catholic... seems pointless after a certain point. : )


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