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Sometimes travelling can be very hard...................

Sometimes travelling can be very hard...................

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Sometimes travelling can be very hard...................

..........for instance if you have to look in the eyes of poor old women who have nobody to support them and therefore are forced to beg for their living.
Taken in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, in the evening.

Are the following words only an excuse or are they applicable concerning this photograph ? What you think ?.........:
"Die Tatsache, dass eine - im konventionellen Sinn - technisch fehlerhafte Fotografie gefühlsmässig wirksamer sein kann als ein technisch fehlerloses Bild, wird auf jene schockierend wirken, die naiv genug sind, zu glauben, dass technische Perfektion den wahren Wert eines Fotos ausmacht."
[Andreas Feininger]

Anne Marie Göldi painted this my photograph and dedicated it for me. This means a great honour and joy for me.

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