Manuel Gloger

Premium (Pro), Düsseldorf

South Arran Drive Through

5. April 2013

Alle Aufnahmen dieser Collage wurden aus dem fahrenden Wagen heraus aufgenommen. Flott ging es zurück nach Brodick. Der Südwesten Arran´s wird überwiegend landwirtschaftlich genutzt.

Arran is one of the most accessible of the Scottish islands and one of the most southerly. The line between the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland divides the island almost exactly in two and Arran mirrors the differing landscapes of the country more widely, forming a "Scotland in miniature". The north is ruggedly mountainous and sparsely populated, the south softer in landscape and home to the majority of the 4,500 people who live here.
Arran Map:

SLOW ! - No
SLOW ! - No
Manuel Gloger

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