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Steam in the Snow No.2

Steam in the Snow No.2

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Steam in the Snow No.2

Winter enchantment for a train-loving photographer...

Hoping to shoot "Steam in the Snow" on my first visit
to the Preßnitztalbahn Narrow Gauge Railway, I was
not disappointed as the big wet snowflakes began to fly.

Amidst the swirling snow, steam, and coal smoke, this
Preßnitztalbahn passenger train makes a dramatic display
as it departs Steinbach for the trip along the Wildbach
to the other end of the line at Jöhstadt.

The 750-mm gauge line is in the Erzgebirge region
of eastern Germany, near the Czech border.

This image is available in archival gallery prints and as a custom printed Photo Note Card.

Photo + Card Design ©2008/2013

Preßnitztalbahn along the Wildbach
Preßnitztalbahn along the Wildbach
Steve Ember

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