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Summer Afternoon - An Astoria Park Moment

Summer Afternoon - An Astoria Park Moment

15 164 2

Summer Afternoon - An Astoria Park Moment

Happy First Day of Summer to viewers in the Northern Hemisphere!

In the inviting dappled sunshine of a September day, bikes and riders - in a variety of sizes -
enjoy the exercise as well as dramatic views of the Hell Gate (Amtrak) and Robert F. Kennedy
(Triboro) Bridges over the East River and the Midtown Manhattan skyline. (*)

But, in the direction the camera is facing, another attraction for a summer day
is the huge swimming pool (NYC's largest) whose deck rises beyond the fence.

©2022 Steve Ember

Hell Gate and Triboro Bridges from Astoria Park
Hell Gate and Triboro Bridges from Astoria Park
Steve Ember

Commentaire 2


Dossier New York City
Vu de 15 164


APN Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Objectif ---
Ouverture 7.1
Temps de pose 1/200
Focale 80.0 mm
ISO 500

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