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In der Lake Cave in Western Australia, südlich von Margaret River - ein wenig Information:

The cave is the smallest of the show caves in Western Australia, measuring 69m long, 20m wide and ranging between 3 and 16m in height. All of the formations that are seen are typically white as opposed to the orange, yellow and browns of other caves.

Partway through the cave is seen the Suspended Table. The formation is comprised of two columns which at one time reached down to a mud floor. Water dripping down the sides of the columns seeped away, depositing a crystal floor around the columns. Subsequent to this occuring, the mud floor was washed away leaving the columns and the crystal platform suspended above the water.

At the rear of the chamber is a platform which gives the opportunity to look back across the lake. The guide is able to perform a light show, with the lights fading in and out and including coloured lights.

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