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Sympathy for the devil

Sympathy for the devil

8 886 13


Premium (World), Hamburg

Sympathy for the devil

ein tasmanischer Teufel. Die Art ist bedroht durch einen Gesichtskrebs. In Devilsatcradle am Cradle Mountain Park widmet man sich der Pflege, Aufzucht usw der tasmanischen Teufel.
Mein Wunsch war immer den Teufel live zu erleben- das ist nun in Erfüllung gegangen.
für mehr Infos:
A world class wildlife conservation facility at Tasmania’s premier wilderness destination. The spectacular and pristine wilderness of Cradle Mountain is home to the mysterious and secretive Tasmanian Devil.

Devils @ Cradle is a unique Tasmanian conservation sanctuary located at the entrance to the spectacular World Heritage listed Cradle Mountain National Park. Whilst we concentrate primarily on the Tasmanian devil, the sanctuary is also home to the closely related Spotted-tail and Eastern quolls. Tasmania’s three largest carnivorous marsupials are all now threatened in one way or another in the wild.

Visitors to the sanctuary can view these animals from the comfort of the visitor centre, wander through the sanctuary at their leisure, or join a personalised guided tour which ensures a close up encounter with our animals. Your visit will provide an insight into the daily operation of a working conservation facility for one of the world’s iconic animals, knowing your ticket fee is contributing to our conservation of these species.

Commentaire 13


Dossier Tasmanien
Vu de 8 886


Objectif E 100-400mm F5-6.3
Ouverture 6.3
Temps de pose 1/400
Focale 400.0 mm
ISO 640

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