9 433 11

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Table of Hope

A man pleads to a tourist sitting in a sidewalk cafe in the front row. while one begs, the tourist looks past him as if he's not there. There is no law which states that one has to feed the starving homeless in Morocco, It's left up to the kindness of the individual who has bread on his table and enough to share. He did not share. I watched this act at this cafe four different times. Only once did they offer tea to and individual in need.

The actual performance is very dramatic. Nothing like Gypsies saying it for the baby. In Morocco it's very clear its for the asker. The performance is filled with suffering. The stench is over powering. A few times, only once did the owner chase them off. In other times they allow them to stay as everyone around you watches to see what you do.

My advice if you want to go local and be like the people. Order water , drink fast and move on. Wait until your final destination of the day has ended.

To order food, or mint tea is too social, and open. The public in need will invite themselves to your table for a taste, or to quench their thirst the longer you sit there.

No need to worry, it's just another encounter at a sidewalk cafe in a small town.

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Dossier Morocco
Vu de 9 433


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