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vasilis valakis

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In ancient poetry, the poet often invokes the muse or more than one muse. The idea is the same as the modern one -- that the muse helps the poet to write by inspiring him.At one time, the goddesses of inspiring springs, the nine Muses became the representatives of poetry, the arts and science : Calliope, Muse of epic song, Clio, Muse of history, Euterpe, Muse of lyric song, Thalia, Muse of comedy and bucolic poetry, Melpomene, Muse of tragedy, Terpsichore, Muse of dance, Erato, Muse of erotic poetry, Polyhymnia, Muse of sacred song, and Urania, Muse of astronomy.
Photo is taken in the palace of empress Sissy "Achilleion" in Corfu.

Commentaire 7

  • Armin Leitner 18/10/2010 22:37

    ...and if you want to discover more greek buildings, please come to Munich ! We doubled pretty everything, here. Glyptothek first. Propyläen second. Etc. etc. p.p.
    Thank you for showing us your beautiful homeland.
    I enjoy each picture.
    Efcharisto poli.
  • Schmidpeter Renate 08/09/2010 8:50

    Dear Vasilis,
    What a nice example of the history of the Greek mythology! You have chosen a very good detail.
    Maybe the muse of photography has kissed you :-)
    Hugs and kiss
  • Faddoush 07/09/2010 22:16

    Poly oraia, 8a h8ela ligo parapano apo to agalma....:)

    S'euxaristw gia ta sxolia!
  • s. sabine krause 31/08/2010 9:14

    a beautiful shot of the captivating terpsichore! the low point of view and the closeness makes her come very much alive, as though she's living and breathing, and breathing the dance into us ; ))! love how she seems both surrounded by the sun (the orange-painted wall!) and the ocean (that wave like ornament on top of the pillar!)! greetings, sabine.
  • Rosetta4 28/08/2010 16:48

    Dans la mythologie grecque , Terpsichore "plaisir de la danse» a été l'un des neuf Muses , régnant sur la danse et le spectaculaire chœur .
    Elle est très belle, elle tient son lyre.
    Amitiés, Rosetta
  • Elfriede de Leeuw 27/08/2010 7:25

    Good Morning Vasilis,you have upload a really nice photo from Corfu! In 1999 we was there,its really
    lovely,but we found ,the north of Corfu is from the
    whoole island the niciest place.The steep coast
    with the green hilly with the Monastery its very
    very lovely.But the art here in this castle very
    lovely and old.Do you were in the casino? ;-DD))
    So we wish you a very nice weekend,you wrote me
    you have a lot of work!
    Hugs and Kiss
    Elfriede and Hans ;-)