Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Colours of Guanajuato (2)

The town of Guanajuato is a World Heritage Site, has a large university and the painter Diego Rivera was born here. The houses here are all multi coloured and cover the hills - there is an extensive street network underneath the city - fascinating....

The Colours of Guanajuato in Mexico
The Colours of Guanajuato in Mexico
Adele D. Oliver

this photo is from 2009 and has 26 comments, sadly only 6 of my friends commenting are still active in FC ….
a big thank you goes to Steve Ember who has suggested this image for the gallery …
Hello - an Annapolis Moment
Hello - an Annapolis Moment
Steve Ember
Annapolis No. 19 - On a Summer Afternoon
Annapolis No. 19 - On a Summer Afternoon
Steve Ember
Mount Vernon - No.1
Mount Vernon - No.1
Steve Ember

Commentaire 89


Dossier FC Gallery
Vu de 53 819


APN Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objectif 6.0 - 72.0 mm
Ouverture 4
Temps de pose 1/1600
Focale 44.0 mm
ISO 75


Galerie (Sujets)
17/06/2021 48 Pro / 29 Contra