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The Cry of The Donkey Horn

The Cry of The Donkey Horn

4 763 11

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

The Cry of The Donkey Horn

He transports household wares that one might need. HIs horn bounces off the walls within a cemetery like city where Jewish people once lived. Those that dwell here open their grave like doors and returning silence into dark domain. The pathway is filled with a cold fear. That's if you walk with the spirits of a time past. Like bells in the pagan world that summons spirits. The horn skatters for safe passage. No karma will harm him when doors open to inspect his goods. He never stops along the path. He is an old soul and knows the stories from his ancestors.

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Dossier Morocco
Vu de 4 763


APN Olympus OM 1
Objectif ---
Ouverture ---
Temps de pose ---
Focale ---
ISO ---

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