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The Fungi World (204) : Small Stagshorn

The Fungi World (204) : Small Stagshorn

5 982 32

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Fungi World (204) : Small Stagshorn

Small Stagshorn is, indeed yes, a very small fungus (all specimen in the shot are only about 5mm tall) that likes to grow on rotting wood.

Its typical yellow, finger-like, pointed spikes as horns are somewhat gelatinous in texture.

Dutch name : Geel Hoorntje
German name : Laubholz-Hörnling
Latin name : Calocera cornea

Here’s a picture of his brother, the Yellow Stagshorn

The Fungi World (146) : Yellow Stagshorn
The Fungi World (146) : Yellow Stagshorn
Mark Billiau.

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