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The Fungi World (282) : Greyling Bracket

The Fungi World (282) : Greyling Bracket

3 963 26

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Fungi World (282) : Greyling Bracket

Greyling Bracket is a stemless, irregularly shaped fungus that likes to grow on dead wood of deciduous trees, mostly beech and birch.

Dutch name : Asgrauwe Kaaszwam
German name : Grauweisser Saftporling
Latin name : Spongiporus tephroleucus (syn. Postia tephroleucus)

PS : Bottom left in the shot, you can see the beginning of a Candlesnuff fungus.

The Fungi world (26) : Candlesnuff fungus
The Fungi world (26) : Candlesnuff fungus
Mark Billiau.

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