994 13

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

The Indian way 2

Varanasi ( Benares)

Bathing in river Ganges may be a procedure of enjoyment or simple cleaning.But, in many cases, can well be a religious ceremony, a ritual, a sort of soul cleansing in the water of a sacred river. This mainly happens in Varanasi, the very old sacred city of Benares which every Indian, at least once in his life, is indebted to visit as a pilgrimage for benediction and pray. In this holy city also takes place the burning of deads. Every day, from very early morning, thousands of Indians from every part of the country, start marching towards the river bank together with sacred cows,goats even monkeys struggling their way through beggars, crippled, lepers, whatever else looking for the river water as an exit...

(Film Ilford FP4 120(6X4,5) with Mamiya AF 645)

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