The Living Forest (149) : Wood Anemone
The Wood Anemone belongs to the earliest blooming wild spring flowers in the forest.
The flowers lack both nectar and fragrance, but the leaves smell musky.
Though so innocent in appearance, the plant contains poisonous chemicals that are toxic to both animals and men.
It is said that the Wood Anemone blooms at the same time as the return of the swallow from Africa.
Dutch name : Bosanemoon
German name : Buschwindröschen
Latin name : Anemone nemorosa
Mauro Stradotto 10/04/2011 10:36
Un delizioso fiorellino, sembra che si voglia aprire timidamente alla nuova stagione!Sempre bravissimo Mark!
Lawson McCulloch 09/04/2011 20:28
A fine shot so well composed and with beautiful light and wishes from Lawson.
carinart 09/04/2011 9:43
Wenn ich auch nicht alle botanischen Namen behalten kann, so ist es doch ein Vergnügen, in deinem Buch zu blättern und zu geniessen!L.G. Karin
Kaith Kakavouli 09/04/2011 7:16
very tender !!!!Adele D. Oliver 07/04/2011 23:59
A very pretty little blossom ... great how you brought out its fine patterns in the petals and the shadow. Excellent work!!greetings, Adele
Annick 07/04/2011 22:51
Très jolie cette petite fleur printanière, très beau cliché Mark !!Amitiés
Deryck 07/04/2011 22:26
Stunning shot! And a very beautiful flower! Thanks for the interesting info too - although I must admit I'm sad not to see any more swallows aroundDeryck
CsomorLászló 07/04/2011 20:53
Besonders schönes Makro Arbeit!lg
willy ombret 07/04/2011 20:23
belle texture pour cette jolie photowilly ombret
Vitória Castelo Santos 07/04/2011 18:36
A very nice picture Mark.Compliments
Josef Kainz 07/04/2011 18:26
Super freigestellt schönes Fotojosef
Charly Roggow 07/04/2011 18:03
sehr schön mit den feinen StrukturenLG Charly
Silvia Simonato. 07/04/2011 17:31
Una macro delicada con gran sugerencia y belleza!!Saludos Silvia
Angelika El. 07/04/2011 17:20
Ja, sie sind wahre Schönheiten, diese kleinen Anemonen - ganz Wälder haben z.Zt. einen fast weißen Boden - so dicht stehen sie mancherorts - einfach herrlich, wie sich die Natur jetzt zeigt!
viola d 07/04/2011 16:01
I know them! They grow here too!:) Yes, they are the avant-garde of spring.. Ok, I will not eat them just love them from a distance:) Bw, Viola