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The Living Forest (337) : Tutsan

The Living Forest (337) : Tutsan

4 517 27

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (337) : Tutsan

Tutsan is a deciduous shrub native to western and southern Europe, north Africa and Asia minor (i.e. the mediterranean region).

It prefers to grow in damp and shaded habitats of open woodlands and hillsides.
From august to september, the shrub has ornamental clusters of berries, that are initially green in colour, later red and finally black.

Dutch name : Mansbloed
German name : Blut-Johanniskraut (auch Mannsblut genannt)
Latin name : Hypericum androsaemum

In the picture below you can see his brother St.John’s wort, which is a similar species.

The Living Forest (70) : St John’s wort
The Living Forest (70) : St John’s wort
Mark Billiau.

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