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The Living Forest (374) : Small Skipper

The Living Forest (374) : Small Skipper

59 243 31

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (374) : Small Skipper

The small skipper is a butterfly that inhabits rough grassland where tall grasses grow.
This species is strongly attracted to purple flowers such as tufted vetch as you can see in my picture.

Tufted vetch (also occasionally known as cow vetch or bird vetch) is a rather unusual but fast-growing wild plant with drooping purple to violet flowers that are very much appreciated by bees and butterflies as a rich (but not easy accessible) source of nectar

Dutch name : Geelsprietdikkopje op Vogelwikke
German name : Braunkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter (auch Ockergelbe Braun-Dickkopffalter genannt) auf Vogel-Wicke
Latin name : Thymelicus sylvestris / Vicia cracca

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