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The Living Forest (461) : mating Variable Damselflies

The Living Forest (461) : mating Variable Damselflies

17 033 29

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (461) : mating Variable Damselflies

In the forest, most of insects can be found around open wet spaces, like this mating couple of variable damselflies.

In my shot you can see the so-called ‘mating wheel position’ : the male deposits sperm by bending the abdomen forward and then clasping the female behind the head with its claspers on the tip of his abdomen.
The female then loops her abdomen forward and picks up the sperm from the male.

Some good advice : don’t try this yourself at home......... :-)))

Dutch name : Variabele waterjuffer
German name : Fledermaus-Azurjungfer
Latin name : Coenagrion pulchellum

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