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Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

The New US

Three young Transgender's take the day in the normal setting of a town to openly enjoy a normal moment and recapturing the right to just be as anyone else. Adjustments are very hard and often cause depression leading to self destruction and harm by other's that don't understand a core impulse to be what one is stemming from their genes.

Being brave and hold the scarse from past social encounters. The LBGT organizations help those in need and do the best to direct New men and women into a balanced function life.

Heart strings of all people are very fragile to abuse, and is the one thing we can all say we have in common.

In a few countries coming out souls have no civil rights and face death, while others are dejected. The battle will always continue, and fighting religion is one all people must come to terms. God never said no to transgenders, or just gay people. It was man writing the laws for his own good, and placing them in a Christian bible.

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