Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Robin

the American Robin - so different from the robin (Rotkehlchen) in Europe - but great to find and difficult to photograph, so I was happy to capture this little one at VanDusen Gardens ....
it is still difficult for me to take photos - I am wearing a splint and have a lot of pain, but physiotherapy has started - and Spring should help ....

The American robin is a migratory bird of the true thrush genus and Turdidae. It is named after the European robin because of its reddish-orange breast, though the two species are not closely related, with the European robin belonging to the Old World flycatcher family. The American robin is widely distributed throughout North America, wintering from southern Canada to central Mexico and along the Pacific Coast.

Commentaire 41


Dossier Animals, Birds etc.
Vu de 27 343


APN Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objectif 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Ouverture 5.6
Temps de pose 1/50
Focale 56.1 mm
ISO 200

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