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Jürgen Dietrich

Premium (Pro), Berlin

The Siskin Day (1.)

Siskin sind auf deutsch Erlenzeisige. Wie viele kleine Sänger räumen sie den Norden und Osten Europas im Herbst praktisch komplett. Das war diesmal im Süden Skandinaviens ein eindrucksvolles Ereignis.
Ich zitiere dazu den Bericht der Vogelwarte Falsterbo :
7 Oct 2010: The Siskin's Day...
This was a misty day with light rain from time to time. Little did we expect any strong migration. But birding is full of surprises and this was surely one when Siskins started to pour out at Nabben as never seen before. Today's total ended with 83,000 Siskins which is in level with the highest seasonal total ever.
Certainly the ringing was affected by this. The nets had to be closed because of the rain for one hour. When the rain stopped and the nets were reopened, Siskins rained into them! On one netround 385 Siskins were caught and the daily total ended with 633 Siskins, the second highest ever.

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