The Sound Barrier
Last year the Grumman F-14 Tomcat swing-wing jet fighter was retired. End of an era. At both high and low level it was among the fastest planes ever roaming the skies.
In my effort to portray the phenomenon of speed, I decided to compose this image of a Tomcat rushing through at extreme low level at a speed of approx. 1200 km/h, well above the speed of sound. In a wet environment a plane doing this will generate its own cloud of water, making the shockwaves around the airframe visible for just a nanosecond...
Plane: photo, background: photo, shockwave, ducks: two photos, cloud and vapour: 'painted in with WACOM pen, all done in PS CS2.
Gruss Alle, Peter
Hobbyfotografin90 27/09/2007 20:13
Olaf Wolfram 04/09/2007 0:45
Da hast Du aber den Moment des Schallmauerdurchbruchs super in Szene gesetzt!!!Einfach Klasse!!!
Ahrt-Design 30/07/2007 7:54
beeindruckende Bearbeitung. LG Wolfgangvilladunkelbunt 30/07/2007 7:14
also die idee und umsetzung finde ich ja mal klasselg nicole
Peter-D 30/07/2007 1:44
Find ich einfach nurKlasse Arbeit!
Rami Harcsztark 30/07/2007 0:40
Sehr gut gemacht! Tolle idee!LG Rami