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The Tokyo Rose Anime Woman

The Tokyo Rose Anime Woman

17 275 7

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

The Tokyo Rose Anime Woman

In Tokyo many women dress up like the women found in the Anime comic books in relation to how they see themselves. From simple and innocent to hot and sexy. TO me it's all Fishy Oily as a waiter once said to me in Tokyo. "We love to put it in everything". Come in have a dinner. She's there to do whatever you like. You need some mother like cuddling like and questions asked like you mom use to ask you after your first day in grade school, she can do that with you face in her lap as she pets you. All for a heaping price and the swipe of your credit card. here is a link to a few more imagined
In the end you know they spend a lot to be something the west isn't and just maybe this is a good thing while other countries see the west of the land of milk and honey, why not be the land of fishy oily sushi and other exotic crawling delicacies living on your plate or Burger King or No nut cream cherry vanilla cherry devoured on a spoon real slow.

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