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Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

The Torment of Man

God bless the street photographer that loves all people and especially the shady ones.

I'll close with a true story in my life.

Once I was in Watts and a shady Black man stood at the corner like my friend and I. The different was that My friend and I were attending University and this man in purple ,orange, and a yellow hat with rings on his fingers was not. He ws a pimp plainly described by his dress. My comment whispered to my friend was not a polite one. I was very demeaning. My roommate said I don't ave the right, because as far as we know, he's at the top of his game and knows how to make a living ad we don't regardless of our scholarships.

I thought about this and today because of that enlightening statement, It has become apart of why I can shoot people in the alley that will never grace the deck of a pleasure boat in our minds.

As I travel in India I am tickled thinking that the class system is so wrong. When someone looks at me, they wonder how is it I can be in a five star hotel and order and speak back to people and laugh in a conversation. They say I look like I am from a village here and that there are no Black people in America.

All my life I have fought for equality in my work and for a better life for all. Funny how ignorance and fear continues to over look the Laws of the land.

Funny in my little town where Bears and deer and squirrels walk across your front yard as children go to school. Two murders in two months happened.One waked down the street killing eight innocent people, the other a religious conservative was in a plan parenthood building in a university and killed may people plus a campus police man. He was captured. That was a good thing, had he been an minority he would have been shot to death as well as all others in minutes and not allowed authors to give himself up.

When will we learn that the bible was written by men with an agenda and not God.

At that time an elephant walked passed and when she stopped and purred in a deep harmonic voice I embraced her.

The moment was healing in India for me. Just maybe the man in torment should do the same. Walking away and living life is so much better than fighting the niece world.

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