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Jürgen Dietrich

Premium (Pro), Berlin

This is Bird Show!

Ich zitiere dazu mal aus der Homepage der Schwedischen ornithologischen Gesellschaft:
11 Oct 2010: A Burst of Buzzards - this is Bird Show!

This day will be remembered as a very great day for raptor migration. More than 10,000 Common Buzzards were counted at Nabben today. Some were passing in soaring swarms of a thousand birds or more, really impressive!
Today's total is the highest in "modern times", that is since 1973 when the ongoing series of migration counts started. It's also worth pointing out, that all Top Ten daily totals during this period have occurred in mid-October.
Along with the buzzards many other raptors were counted, like 500 Red Kites, 7 White-tailed Eagles and 1 Greater Spotted Eagle.

Die Vogelzähler vom Golfplatz
Die Vogelzähler vom Golfplatz
Jürgen Dietrich

This is Bird-Show ! (2.)
This is Bird-Show ! (2.)
Jürgen Dietrich

Und meine Frau und ich waren dabei...Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.
11.Okt. 2010 Falsterbo (Skane)

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