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Susana Miguel

Premium (Pro), Zaragoza

Towers: Cyprus

In my "Towers" series, this one was painted for Dad.
He chose this church in Cyprus among several photos and asked me to paint it for him...
Mom asked for something more modern and chose the Empire State Building.

In meiner Serie "Türme" malte ich diesen für Papa.
Er suchte diese Kirche in Zypern zwischen anderen Trum-Fotos aus und bat mich, es für ihn zu malen...
Mama wollte lieber etwas moderenes und bat um das Empire State Building.

NY - Türme/Towers: Empire State after a photo of R. Burns
NY - Türme/Towers: Empire State after a photo of R. Burns
Susana Miguel

Oil on paper / Öl auf Papier
Painted on / Gemalt:
Dec. 2008

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